60-Foot Sea Ray Sundancer Cruiser - 카이만 요트&낚시

이 요트에 대해

60-foot Sea Ray Sundancer Cruiser, which offers unmatched performance, comfort, and features for the most enjoyable time on the waters, is an amazing combination of quality, comfort, and performance.

Two spacious staterooms with separate bathrooms and walk-in showers are available aboard, also outfitted with a cutting-edge audio system with Bluetooth.

Length Overall 60ft, Beam 16.75ft, Max Draft 4.17ft

Up to 20 Guest (10 Included)

- Single & Double Berths
- Cabins
- Heads

Features & Amenities:

- Full kitchen
- High gloss luxury interior
- 2 stereos with Bluetooth capability
- Forward sun deck
- Sunlounger
- Warm freshwater shower on deck
- Swim platform
- Microwave
- Refrigerator and freezer
- Jet Ski
- Tubing
- Air-Conditioned Cabin
- Plenty of Shade
- Customizable Charter
- 2 x Wave Pads
- Fuel
- Captain & Crew

About Captain & Crew:
 The competent team on our cruiser—which includes a capable captain and crew—will take care of you and your companions

여행 세부 정보

We have a large selection of various packages, available for overnight vacations, half-day, full-day, and Little Cayman trips.

You may cruise to lovely islands, enjoy sunbathing with friends, and experience Cayman from the sea.

- Late Night Charters

- Sunset Cruise

- Breakfast with The Rays

- Birthday Celebrations

- Full Catering Options

Please let us know your requirements so we can make arrangements for an outstanding boating experience for you. Your wonderful Cayman Islands yacht charter trip is just a few clicks away from being booked!

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  • thumb 간단한 예약 요청 양식을 작성하세요
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  • thumb 전세 시 보증금 및 잔금 지불

우리는 다음과 같은 여행을 제공합니다

  • Half Day Private Charter

    - 10 guests
    - 3 stops at beautiful landmarks
    - Fuel
    - Coolers & ice
    - Bottled water
    - Sodas
    - Snorkel gear
    Max Guests: 20
    10 included - there will be an additional charge for each additional passenger!
    Note: Don\'t forget to include catering in your itinerary because the sea tends to whet our appetites. Contact us for more options!

  • Full Day Private Charter
    $3800 USD

    9:00 am - 10:30 am
    Ends: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

    - 10 guests
    - 4 or more stops at beautiful landmarks
    - Fuel
    - Coolers & ice
    - Bottled water
    - Sodas
    - Snorkel gear
    Max Guests: 20
    10 included - there will be an additional charge for each additional passenger!
    Note: Don\'t forget to include catering in your itinerary because the sea tends to whet our appetites. Contact us for more options!

    Our full-day charters have a seven-hour duration. It\'s recommended to start your charter early because popular destinations like the Stingray Sandbar grow busier later in the day.

자주하는 질문

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베어보트 전세를 제공합니까?
보트 전세 견적을 보내려면 어떤 정보가 필요합니까?
지불 조건은 무엇입니까?
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보트 전세 시간 및 날짜 선택


질문 또는 요청

연락처 세부정보

가격 계산

기본 요금: 800 USD

기본 요금에 포함된 인원: 4

추가 승객 요금: 80 USD

기본 가격: 550 USD

총 가격: 550 USD

보증금 0 USD

균형: 550 USD

아직 결제가 필요하지 않습니다!
1/ 먼저 보트 이용 가능 여부 확인을 보내드립니다.
2/ 앞으로 이동하여 전세기를 예약하기로 결정한 경우 지불 링크를 클릭하여 소액의 보증금(최대 15%)을 지불할 수 있습니다. 결제 링크는 가용성 확인과 함께 전송됩니다.
3/ 보증금을 지불하면 매우 상세한 여행 확인서를 받게 됩니다.

고객이 우리 서비스에 대해 말하는 것