Choose this boat for either one of these options:
Half Day Snorkeling Charter - Duration 4hrs. Includes: Stingray City, snorkeling at Coral Garden reef, Rum Point, and a visit to Starfish Point. Including snorkel gear and refreshments.
Half Day Reef Fishing -
Half Day Deep Sea Fishing -
Full Day Deep Sea -
Stingray City
The Stingray City Sandbar is one of the top Grand Cayman attractions and is home to a whole fleet of southern stingrays that congregate in shallow water at North Sound Sand Bar. As you enter the clear waters, the graceful southern stingrays glide tranquility past their natural habitat. Experience the majestic wildlife of Grand Cayman, standing in only three feet of water.
Rum Point
Located on the picturesque North Side of Grand Cayman, the shallow and clear waters of Rum Point Beach make it the ideal beach for swimming and offer some of the finest snorkeling in the Caribbean.
Starfish Point
Whether you’re looking to sunbathe on a remote beach, take amazing photos, snorkel or spend time with the kids hunting for starfish, Starfish Point is a perfect location. While shallow waters are practical for children, everyone will be satisfied when they look in the crystal-clear waters and take a look at the starfish below. Starfish naturally live here and regularly frequent the shallows looking for food. This remote beach is situated on the Northern coast of Grand Cayman.
Up to 6 pax - Duration 3hrs
Includes: Refreshments on board and all fishing equipment and bait required.
Up to 6 pax - Duration 3hrs.
Includes: Stingray City, snorkeling at Barrier Reef, Coral Garden Reef, or Starfish Beach.
Up to 6 pax - Duration 4hrs
Includes: Refreshments on board and all fishing equipment and bait required.
Up to 8 pax - Duration 4hrs
Includes: Stingray City, snorkeling at Coral Garden Reef, Rum Point, and a visit to Starfish Point.
Up to 6 pax - Duration 5hrs
Includes: deep sea fishing trip with all equipment provided as well as refreshments on board, including complimentary cocktails, fruits, and light snacks + snorkeling stop.
Up to 6 pax - Duration 8hrs
Includes: An all-day deep-sea fishing trip with all equipment provided as well as refreshments on board, including complimentary cocktails, fruits, and light snacks.
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